A few weeks earlier

Bria found out the man, Bjorn, who had been taking her to dinner, breakfast and all of that other stuff that comes with dating.. was married! Not only married but with kids. She had been to his house. Psh! She even fed his kids when they barely had light bill money. Unfortunately, she let her temper rev up a little too fast and caused a scene. Bjorn’s wife was totally caught off guard. After the fight and realizing that Bjorn was not interested in settling this at all, his wife got carried away and almost saw the afterlife. Their youngest daughter thankfully pleaded to the reaper for her mother. Their eldest daughter, however, took a liking to the reaper. A weird reaction to the situation….


Complete Sims 4 Pose Tutorial

PART [ 1 | 2 | 3]

Hi simblrs!
I was bored so I decided to do a series of tutorials on how I do poses. I wanted to make something simple to follow and more importantly, complete. There are tutorials for posemaking scattered everywhere on the internet but I never found one that encompassed everything you needed to know.

So here I am!


First we’ll start off by listing all the things you’re going to need to start making poses.

The List

-Sims4Studio (download the latest version here.)
-Blender 2.76 (here)
-A photo editing software such as Photoshop, GIMP, Paint.net (for later steps)


I’ve numbered each picture so it is easy to follow. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Launch Sims4Studio (S4S hereafter). You’ll be met with this screen.
1)In the box on the bottom right, enter your name/nickname that you go by.
2) Select “Clip Pack”
3) Click “Animation”

A save screen will pop up. Name your .package file whatever you want. I called mine tutorial.
1)Enter a filename.
2)Click Save

This screen will popup. This section isn’t so important right now so go ahead and click on the “Clips” tab that you see circled.

This is where the action happens! Just kidding. Let me explain what you see on this screen.
1) This is where you’ll add more poses to the pack. We are only just starting with one so we’ll leave it be for now.
2)This is where you’ll name your individual poses and write a brief discription about them.
3)This is important! This is where you get your .blend files to pose with. Let me explain:

1) On the drop down menu, select what type of rig that you want. Female, male, et cetera.
2) Click on “Export” to export the .blend file.

1) A save screen will popup. Like before, give this file a name.
2) Then click Save.
3) Click Save again. Your package will be saved.

You can now close S4S for now.

Launch Blender.
1) Go to File.
2) Click Open.
3) Navigate to your .blend file that you just saved.
4) Click Open Blender File.

That’s it! You’ve succesfully opened a rig to pose! Good for you!

Stay tuned for part two for a lesson on how blender works!

Don’t hesitate to ask questions! No question is a bad question when it comes to posing! I know the process can be frustrating because one minor mistake and its all for nothing.

Don’t worry! With practice and patience you can do it!

Try this…


After a long absence due to work, I finally have some free time to share some of my creations I have that are sitting around. Because of cats and dogs, I am holding off on any object content sets due to the sheer amount of updating I am expecting will need to be done, but I have plenty of other things I can share. One of those is the community lots I built for Willow Creek. These are some of my absolute favourite community creations and I hope they find good homes to be enjoyed more.

For the download and information, read under the cut:

Keep reading

Thank you so much for sharing these!!!

Working together. Sharing meals together. Spending evenings together. Bria let her inner FBI tendencies get the best of her, and she decided to show up at Bjorn’s house one evening. Turns out while he has been having fun with her, he has a family of his own. Bria wants to change his mind though. She wants to show him a better life than that 1 bedroom, 1 bath dark place he lives that he calls home. After their argument the day before, she decided to try another tactic but before she could try anything she had news to share with him.