


Heya! I don’t know if people have modded around with the video station from GF much, but I’m trying to make a separate, portable camera, which should work like the camera that comes with the station minus all the video editing interactions.

Currently, I’m at a dead end, as I don’t know why the video filming interactions do not appear. At the moment, the video inventory works and I can even use the debug command to create videos (picture 2). Sadly, recording vlogs isn’t possible and same goes for the video transfer (i had an editing station on the lot).

At anyone who might have a decent understanding of this, I would really appreciate some help. Thanks in advance.

In case anyone can help!! Please help this come true!!

reblogging for help

Cloth diapers or disposable? Get baby on a schedule or let baby sleep whenever? Breastfeeding or formula? If it’s a boy, circumcision or not? Hospital or home birth? Natural birth or epidural? A name? Omg..a name. More arguing and discussion on that one.

These two got pregnant quickly and didn’t get a chance to discuss their thoughts on having kids, let alone the birth of one.

Thankfully, they are learning to talk it out and even have a laugh about some things.